Sunday 20 May 2012

The "Me" Time for a woman.

How many of us, with our tight schedules & responsibilities have the "Me" time for ourseleves?? Not many. Most of us do not even realise that we need the "Me" time. Everything else except for our ownselves takes priority in our lives. And its obvious, thats what we are taught. Thinking about ourselves, makes us feel we are selfish. But that, is not true. If we arent happy from within, we arent gonna be able to make anyone else happy. If we do not respect ourselves, no one else will. The one who said, happiness comes from within was right. It really does. It comes from the feeling that you accept yourself for who you are, respect yourself for the person you are & the choices you make & think that you are important enough to be looked after, to be cared for. Not by someone else, but you. You have to care for yourself & look out for yourself. To be able to do this, it is vital that you have some "Me" Time. Ideally everyday, but if not atleast once in a while. This "Me" time does not mean you have to be out on a holiday on your own, though that would be a nice thing to do. It can just be those couple of minutes that you take to apply your body lotion or to get dressed. And for those who do not have a self care routine, its time you got one. Its never too late to look after yourself & a woman is never too old to pamper herself :)

Dont assume the "Me" time is only about skin care. No, its not that at all. Its your time. To reflect on your life, to plan what you wanna do & how you would want to do it, to be the person you really are, to find out whats missing & how you can find it, to be just you. And for some of us, to get a life. Most women I meet think it is okay to not have a life of your own. They are okay with calling everything that they do for their husbands, brothers, sisters, children, parents their life. And I almost say this - That is not your life, its just one of the things. Your life is also about the things that you do, for yourself. Most of us, do not have this part at all. Its really really time we began living our life completely.

Here's how you could keep aside your "Me" time each day. Take a walk alone, this gives you time to be at peace with yourself, to appreciate things that you have & things that there are around you. Meditate for 15 minutes atleast. For those who can concentrate can do more, not me though. Pursue your hobby without thinking whether you are in the right age to do it. Do what you wanted to do as a child. Like I said, its never too late. Learn a new skill. Who knows, you could end up with an alternative & lucrative profession :). Your "Me" time can be anything. Only you can decide. But it sure will make you happy.

Enjoy your "Me" time.